Cyprian the Fair Read online

Page 9

  “Her motorcycle?” asked Eden and then dismissed the information. “Did she say anything about me? Did you tell her I was here?”

  “No,” said Julia shaking her head. “I didn’t say anything about you. I didn’t know what was happening with your meeting. I didn’t want to say anything, just in case there was some reason Gabri wasn’t going to tell her about you, and we were leaving. I wasn’t sure how much to tell her, so I just didn’t tell her anything. I told her I was here with a friend is all.”

  Eden stared at Julia and didn’t know how to react. The only reason they came was to see Rafe, and Julia saw her but didn’t tell her about it right away. “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”

  “I wanted to,” said Julia seeing Eden was upset. “You just had so much you wanted to tell. I was waiting for the right moment. I wasn’t going to keep it from you, I promise.”

  “No, I know,” said Eden obviously jealous. “It’s just, you saw her, and I want to see her so much.”

  “Well, it wasn’t exactly a long or pleasant visit,” she said wryly.

  “Tell me how she looked,” Eden pleaded intently. Her brown eyes burned bright with desperate curiosity. “Tell me whatever you can remember.”

  “Like I said, she looked fine,” she said warily. “Healthy. Her hair was longer. She was wearing leather pants and a jacket. It was motorcycle riding clothes and boots. Her T-shirt was one of those touristy things with Ciao Bella on it. She was carrying an artist paint box.” Julia tried to think of more details to make up for the guilt she was feeling edged with jealousy. “She wasn’t happy to see me. She got away as quickly as she could. She said she had to be somewhere.”

  Eden was hoping for more but could see Julia struggling to think of things, so she knew Julia was at the limit of what she could tell. “I wonder where she had to be,” she said softly. Eden wondered if Rafe had to go back to a hospital or sanatorium. “Do you think if we go back to the museum tomorrow, she’ll be there?” she asked hopefully, thinking maybe Rafe was allowed out for some reason every day.

  “I don’t know,” Julia said gently. “If Gabri tells her you’re here, she may not go anywhere until she decides what to do.” Julia didn’t want Eden getting her hopes up about seeing Rafe out on the streets of Florence.

  “What if he never calls?” Eden asked worriedly. “How will we be able to see her?”

  “Let’s not think about it now,” Julia said with a shrug. “I told you, Rafe looked and sounded fine. Give them a while to process the news that we’re here. Rafe will want to see you and Bronte,” she said trying to sound positive even though she was doubtful.

  “What if Gabri will only allow Bronte to see her and not me?” Eden asked, afraid it was exactly what would happen. “What do I do? Do I just let him take her? I don’t know if I can,” she admitted nervously, remembering Jake’s words again about all the children taken from their mothers and spirited away to foreign countries. “You don’t think they would keep her from me if they take her, do you?”

  “No,” said Julia reassuringly. “Rafe wouldn’t do anything to hurt Bronte. I don’t think she would let Gabri do it to you, either.”

  “I need to lie down,” she told Julia as she felt her anxiety building. “Can you take care of Bronte for a while when she gets back?”

  “Of course,” said Julia. She gave a reassuring smile as Eden made her way into the bedroom. Someday, Julia would be able to hold Eden and tell her how she felt and not just give subtle hints. Sometime soon she hoped.

  Eden lay on the bed, hoping Julia was right about Gabri. She closed her eyes picturing Rafe as Julia described her. It seemed like Gabri wasn’t only limiting the time Eden could have, but he was also going to limit the conversation Eden could have with Rafe. Eden didn’t know if she could talk to Rafe without telling her how she felt and telling her she loved her and wanted her to come home. Eden knew Rafe may want to stay longer if her doctor was helping her, and she did want her to get better, but she missed her. Eden needed to talk to her and hear her voice and look at her and just be in her presence. If she didn’t get to see her, it wouldn’t matter if she could look at her without pity or not.

  Eden took a deep calming breath and did her relaxation techniques to keep her anxiety under control. As she breathed and thought about Rafe, she fell asleep and dreamed of her.


  MUSIC FILLED THE air while food and drinks flowed freely and the people who filled the square sang, talked, and laughed. It was a perfect Saturday night to celebrate all the musicians coming together before the beginning of the local music festival. All the musicians were showing off to each other, and some were collaborating and writing new songs on the spot. Spirits were high and everywhere were beautiful sounds of voices and instruments that were a gift to all experiencing them.

  Rafe Salvaggio watched as Nora finished singing and couldn’t help but notice the beautiful blush on her face and the glow surrounding her as she took her bows to the cheers and admiration of the crowd. Rafe stood with the crowd and clapped for Nora then rushed to her to help her from the stage and escort her proudly to their table.

  “You were wonderful!” Rafe said as she leaned close to talk directly into Nora’s ear so she could hear over the crowd. “You have the voice of an angel.”

  Nora laughed and kissed Rafe promptly on her lips. “I think you’re my biggest fan. How did I look up there with my large stomach? Was I grotesque?”

  “You’re beautiful,” said Rafe with a laugh because Nora was, very. “How can you think you’re anything else? Look, they all love you and would die to be in your presence.”

  “You’re so dramatic!” Nora laughed at Rafe and her teasing.

  “Look, Stefano is carrying the guitars, and Gabri is just behind him,” said Rafe as she pointed to the two men. “They should be playing soon. Let’s get you something to eat,” she said and called the waiter to order more food and drinks for the table. Rafe turned back to Nora. “Will you clap and cheer for me as much as I did for you if I dance for you?” she asked with a laugh. “All Firenze means nothing to me if you are not pleased with all you see,” she said dramatically and opened her arms in the offering.

  “You’re very drunk,” exclaimed Nora laughing at Rafe’s antics, “but yes, I will be your biggest fan!” She kissed Rafe briefly as everyone at the table laughed and cheered them on.

  “We are all very drunk on our love for you!” she shouted, and everyone cheered again. “Look,” Rafe pointed to the stage. “It’s Gabri! It is the Angelo di Firenze!” she yelled and made her way to the stage with others who had been waiting for him to perform. She got to the stage and waved at Gabri who smiled and laughed. “Gabri, you promised we would dance!” she reminded him as he began to play.

  Gabri and his band played and sang while Rafe and everyone on the square danced to his music, feeling the beat and singing his words. Nora came out and found Rafe and danced a few steps with her then went back to her seat, laughing in amazement, as always, at the excitement Gabri brought to the party. Soon, it was close to the end of his song, and he set his guitar down. Jumping out into the crowd, he danced with Rafe as he promised. Stefano didn’t let the music end so they could all dance a little longer. Gabri and Rafe laughed and danced to the cheers and encouragement of the crowd until the music finally ended, and they were exhausted. Gabri kissed Rafe to the cheers of the crowd and leaped back onto the stage to play his next song as Rafe made her way back to Nora.

  “Did you cheer and clap?” Rafe asked breathlessly.

  “Yes, I did!” Nora laughed and kissed Rafe again playfully. “You two are so beautiful together,” she said as her eyes sparkled. “I still think if he put a photo of the two of you on his next album, it would sell out!” she declared for probably the hundredth time since she had first seen them together.

  Rafe laughed. “The cover won’t sell the music, and his music is what the people want.” Rafe picked up her glass of wine and quenched her thirst as they listened
to Gabri sing the rest of his set, and the crowd cheered him as he finished. Rafe leaned close to Nora. “Gabri says that when he’s finished, we’re invited to a private party with some big music producers. I think they believe they can romance him. He said we should meet him at the car.”

  “Oh, Rafe,” Nora groaned. “I was hoping we were going home. You know I’d stay out later but look at me. I’m huge and tired.”

  Rafe saw she did look tired. “I’m sorry,” she said with concern. “I’ll see if we can take the car home, and they can get a ride to the party and home later.”

  “Now that sounds like a great plan.” Nora smiled in appreciation but could see she had taken down Rafe’s excitement for the night. “But first, I’d like to see you dance again. I don’t think I’ve seen all you have to offer.” She winked as another band began to play on stage.

  “Oh, really?” asked Rafe and arched her brow seductively. “The fact you could see I have more to offer than anyone here is what makes me love you more,” she said then stood up and offered her hand. “I will dance you into the night.” She took Nora’s hand, and they danced through the crowd to get to the other side of the plaza. Gabri and Stefano had already gone with their instruments where the car waited further down one of the side streets.

  Nora laughed as they danced and held tightly to Rafe who was still feeling her wine. Rafe would break away and dance for her then come back and take her arm and hold her close as they made their way to the car.

  “You’ll be feeling this night tomorrow!” Nora claimed teasingly as Rafe kissed her cheek and pulled her along gently.

  “I feel everything now,” she said as they walked. “I feel the music and how you captured me with your voice and your beauty. My love for you will make me live for you forever,” she teased elaborately

  “That will be a first,” Nora joked, loving Rafe’s attention. “Where were you when I was a gangly teenager?” She tried to take a step forward, but Rafe stopped dead in front of her. “What are you doing now?” she asked playfully.

  Rafe had stopped suddenly at the vision in front of her. She watched as the two women, one golden and one silver-haired, sitting at the sidewalk table, talked to each other and one held the others hand across the table. Then they shared bites of food and laughed. They looked very happy. Rafe heard Nora’s questioning, and she turned to look at her.

  “It’s nothing,” Rafe said and began to lead Nora away. She had recognized Eden and Julia immediately. Rafe knew now the reason Eden wanted to see her. It was to tell her she and Julia were together. Rafe had pushed them together before she left so she shouldn’t be surprised. At least now she would be prepared.

  “Rafe!” a voice called out as Rafe led Nora away.

  Nora pulled on Rafe to stop her. “Rafe, someone’s calling you. Do you know those women?”

  Looking over at Nora sadly, Rafe sighed. “Yes,” she said softly. She hesitated a moment then held Nora’s arm as she walked them to the table. Rafe looked from Eden to Julia, finding it difficult to look directly at them. “Hello,” she said, trying to sound happy, forcing a smile to her face. “You both look wonderful. I’m so happy for you. I would stay and talk, but I have to get Nora home. Hope you enjoy your time here,” she said and began to pull Nora away.

  In confusion, Eden looked from Rafe to the very pregnant woman next to her, barely hearing what Rafe was saying. As Rafe began to walk away, she snapped her head around looking Julia in shock then stood up. “Rafe! Rafe, I need to talk to you!” she called to her.

  “Shit,” said Julia under her breath. She tried to wrap her mind around the situation and stood with Eden.

  “Who are those people?” Nora asked as Rafe pulled her away.

  “People I used to know,” Rafe said shakily. “I need to go home.”

  “Okay,” said Nora. Seeing the immediate change in Rafe’s mood and appearance made her worry.

  “Rafe!” Eden called out. “Wait, please. I just want to talk to you! What are you doing?” She turned to Julia, “What’s happening?” she asked shakily. Eden went after Rafe and the woman she was with and was holding onto so closely. This cannot be happening, she thought. Maybe this was why Gabri didn’t want me to see Rafe—because she’s with someone new. She caught up with Rafe and called her again, “Rafe, stop!”

  Nora pulled Rafe to a stop. “I think the American woman wants to talk with you,” she said in Italian. “Is there something wrong? Is she someone from a museum you gave a drawing to and now you’re trying to avoid?”

  Rafe frowned at Nora then turned as Eden came upon them. “I’m sorry, I can’t talk to you right now,” said Rafe politely in English but avoided looking up at Eden. “Please, call Gabri and set up a time tomorrow, or whenever.”

  Eden couldn’t believe Rafe really wasn’t going to talk to her. “Why are you doing this?” she asked in disbelief then pointed at Nora. “Who is she? I don’t understand what’s happening.”

  “I’m not doing anything. I was just polite,” said Rafe doing her best to stay calm. “This is Nora,” she said as she held tightly to her hand. “I’m just taking her home,” Rafe said shakily. She was not ready to have a conversation with Eden. Rafe just wanted to get away before things escalated in the street. “We have to go,” she said and started to walk away again.

  “Stop!” said Eden and grasped Rafe’s arm, pulling her back around, and Nora caught herself as she was pulled off balance at the sudden movement because Rafe had been holding her hand.

  Gabri was at their side, it seemed from nowhere. He took Nora’s arm and steadied her then took Rafe’s arm pulling her away from Eden. “What are you doing,” Gabri said in his accented English as Stefano took Nora and walked her away. “Don’t touch them!” he barked. “If you cannot control yourself, you should not talk to her!” he yelled at Eden and then tugged on Rafe’s arm, leading her away.

  “Wait, Gabri! I just wanted to talk to her,” said Eden desperately.

  Gabri released Rafe and turned on Eden angrily. “Yes, and she said to call me for a time! Listen! Now you go back with your friend,” he said pointing to Julia who had been watching things unfold. Then he turned and caught up with Rafe and retook her arm. “She will not talk to you this way,” said Gabri reverting back to Italian. “I’m sorry this happened.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Rafe shakily. “I could have ignored them when they called to me, but I didn’t want to be rude again in front of Nora.”

  “What did they want?” Gabri asked with concern. “Why were they chasing after you?”

  “I don’t know,” said Rafe uneasily. “Everything was just a blur. I was just trying to walk away.”

  “I’m glad we decided to come back to walk with you after putting the instruments away in the car instead of going straight to the party,” said Gabri. “My heart nearly stopped when I saw Nora almost fall.”

  “I tried to hang on to her,” said Rafe and tears threatened to come to her eyes. “I’m sorry, Gabri.”

  Seeing Rafe upset, Gabri’s heart hurt for her. He wanted to be confident that she was calm. “I know you tried,” he said and put a calming hand on her. “It’s not your fault. I know you love her and want to keep her and the baby safe,” he said firmly. They made it to the car, and Gabri opened the car door. “Let’s get in the car and go home.”

  “What about your party?” asked Rafe. She recovered from the moment and was happy no tears actually fell to reveal her weakness. “It’s important. Nora and I can go home. We’ll be fine now,” she said and turned to Nora who was in the driver’s seat. “You’re fine, right? Gabri shouldn’t miss the party. We’ll be okay now, won’t we?”

  Nora looked from Rafe to Gabri. She could tell Rafe didn’t want to be the reason for Gabri to miss meeting the people who would be at the party. “We’ll be fine,” said Nora reassuringly.

  Gabri sighed and nodded his head. “Okay,” he said as Rafe closed the back door then walked around and got into the passenger’s seat. He walked a
round the car and leaned on the driver’s door. “Be careful,” he said softly to Nora. “Stefano and I will be there after the party.”

  “Bye,” said Nora and Gabri kissed her through the car window.

  “Goodbye,” he said and smiled at her. “Drive carefully.” He looked past Nora at Rafe. “We’ll talk tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” said Rafe as Nora put the car in gear then drove them toward home. “I’m sorry about what happened,” she apologized to Nora softly.

  “Do you want to tell me who they were?” Nora asked gently.

  “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

  They drove home in silence.


  JULIA HAWTHORN TOOK care of the check at the restaurant and walked back to the hotel with Eden who was upset, crying, and trying not to let her anxiety overtake her. It may have escaped Eden’s notice, but Gabri seemed to speak excellent English for someone who needed a translator.

  “Why wouldn’t she talk to us?” Eden asked the night as her face glistened with tears.

  “She was the same way when I saw her,” Julia reminded Eden.

  “Who was the woman with her?” asked Eden as she wiped her face. “Did you see she was pregnant?”

  “I saw,” said Julia evenly. All kinds of scenarios ran through her head about who the woman could be. She decided not to give into conjecture because Eden was already so upset. “She’s probably just a friend.”

  “What if she’s more? What if Rafe’s over here starting a new family, and Gabri’s helping her?” asked Eden upset. “I can’t take this!”

  Julia took Eden by the arm and stopped her. “Eden, that’s nonsense. Rafe’s only been here six months. She may be good at picking up women, but I don’t think she could talk someone into having a baby for her in such a short time.”

  “I don’t know,” said Eden, pulling her arm away from Julia in frustration. “Back when the article about her came out, women were propositioning her all the time and telling her they’d have her baby.”